About Us

A World Class Classified Company

Shaping the Future of Business exporters manufacturers

We are committed to vocal for local and are helping business establishments maintain high standards.

Who Are We?

we are exporters manufacturers marketing programmer business advisor and coach an advocate for local to local. We want to take the internet to all those small shopkeepers and business owners in the world who are just looking to increase their profits and customers just because online visibility we provide a great platform to all doors members.

Our Values


We push ourselves beyond our abilities when faced with tough times. When we foresee uncertainty, we address it only with flexibility.


Feedback is never taken personally, we break it into positive pieces and strive to work on each and every element even more effectively.


It’s always ‘us’ over ‘me’. We don’t lose ourselves in pride or confidence during individual successes but focus on being our simple selves in every which way.


We believe in, stand for, and are evangelists of our culture - both, within Zomato and externally with all our stakeholders.


It’s not our abilities that show who we truly are - it’s our choices. We aim to get these rights, at least in the majority of the cases.